Choose to Grow

Choose to Grow

Choose to Grow

The Juanita Sims Doty Foundation has developed the "Choose to Grow" after-school program, which serves as an umbrella for our boys’ (A-TEAAM) and girls’ (ESTEEM) mentoring initiatives. This program provides educational and character-building activities during non-school and after-school hours, with a focus on leadership development. Its primary goal is to enhance the life skills necessary for students to navigate the world confidently.

The program is designed to align key social and emotional learning competencies—such as social awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making—with outcomes like increased self-esteem, improved academic performance, reduced absenteeism, and fewer disciplinary issues. These tools are essential for students to not only survive but thrive in today’s world. The hope is that these positive impacts will be reflected in both academic achievements and overall quality of life.

Supporting students across a wide range of academic performance levels, the program works in close collaboration with administrators, counselors, teachers, and families to ensure activities meet students’ individual needs. Each student is paired with a “Village” of mentors and educators, providing comprehensive support. This wrap-around approach includes leadership development, character education, entrepreneurial activities, soft-skills training (such as dining etiquette), and exposure to subjects like Math, English Language Arts (ELA), Science, and S.T.E.A.M. Additionally, students engage in small group academic activities, as well as programs focused on fostering positive relationships, and preventing teen pregnancy, drug use, and violence. When necessary, transportation, Chromebooks, and hotspots are provided to ensure every student has access to the resources they need.

A key component of the program is its focus on academics, particularly in reading, writing, and critical thinking. As part of their growth, students write about their learning experiences, ultimately combining their work into a creative project that they present to the entire Choose to Grow community. The writings from both A-TEAAM Ambassadors and ESTEEM GEMs are then compiled into a publication titled I!CAN Imagine: Voices of Young A-TEAAM and ESTEEM Authors.

The program culminates with an event where students come together to celebrate their accomplishments, learn from each other, and be empowered to become change agents within their communities, state, and beyond. This event not only recognizes their growth but also celebrates their work as published authors. At every step, Choose to Grow offers youth opportunities and choices, helping them develop the skills they need to lead with confidence and success.